Build Automated Content to Make Your Website Fresh!

Build automated content by using the automation system included within your website building and optimizing tools. If you don't have this system, then you'll always run out of content and your online business could be in danger, especially when search engines continue to look for original fresh content to bring the proper updated pages to their index.

So, the page shows you how building automated content goes and gets you the best solution you could have when you ran out of content. If you are building different kinds of networks online, then you may be sometimes running out of content.

You run out of content when you don't have new or even old business ideas to write them down when you build web pages and then automate that content.

There are different reasons that you could run out of content.

  • But, what about your visitors?
  • Are they interested in your website?
  • Have you written your content in a way that could attract them to share their ideas about your subject?
  • How would you encourage them to interact with your website?

How to Build Automated Content?

To build automated content, you should first have collective website building and optimizing tools that run in one place to build and automate this content every time you build a new page.

That means, they should build your website blog, as explained at the Ezine Acts Blog (This is not the website blog, but another page). That also means they automatically take the new content and blog it to your website blog.

From there, the tools should build the automation process through your blog and website RSS feeds (as explained at the Ezine Acts Feeds) to build automated content on the important RSS and blogging platforms (as explained at the Ezine Acts RSS).

In addition they should integrate tools to build automated content with a click to go to the social media services and the other services that support automated content at Yahoo, Bing and the others.

The collective tools get you with your referral programs through the XML techniques to the RSS services, the social media and other relevant networks.

The tools should also help you build automated content through a special automation using the techniques of the WEB2 (as you could see through the Ezine Acts Comment C2 Entries), so that your visitors' comments and useful sources add more values and build automated content easily.

That means, the tools should provide you with the best methods to write original content about things that interest you, maybe your hobby, one of your personal experiences, knowledge, or passion that attracts visitors driven by free traffic and makes them obliged to interact with your comments through comment entries preface at your website.

So, that visitors could easily use the comments form to build more automated content for your website blog to take over and build automated content at the same time. The automation process should run through the automation machine at your website blog.

This is the complete process to building and automating your website, whereas the interaction of visitors adds more values to your content by building automated content and keeping the content of your entire website fresh. Read the guest writer article at Top 7 Things Your Blog Needs To Have.

That yields many values in turn to turn your website blog into a machine that works to update your content, without having you lift a finger at the commentaries.

But, of course you can add more values to the commentaries by posting them in time to get the commentators satisfied and to encourage them to add more commentaries and share blogs with their social media.

Many freebies and other free stuff, you give just as gifts of love could encourage your visitors more to write comments and thus build automated content for you.

But, the best thing is to let your content alone drive visitors to comment. You make it attractive when you study your theme and choose it right and then CTPM it. You will do that following the complete lessons the tools offer to get your visitors to react positively because they like your website.

To build automated content consider always the best values in your hobbies, personal experiences and passion that have good demands without serious competition online.

The proper tools show you step by step what works out of your passion, how to focus on it, how to seed it with keyword-focused theme to up to 300 pages, how to build those pages in tiers and then get the most wanted response from visitors.

When the blog functions to update your website, the RSS technology at your blog has unlimited reach, so it could dominate many platforms online, automating your content in briefs throughout those platforms. See the RSS resources at the Ezine Act RSS Feeds Center.

You can use the same RSS services, as you see on this page in the second section of it, or the social bookmarks to automate your content frequently.

You can also use your associate programs to automate some content on your website (as explained through the Ezine Acts Associate Programs Index) and monetize this content by using the same Ezine Acts Affiliate Programs! It is as simple as that, if you ran out of content.

To manifest this clearly, see How To Improve Keyword Density Using Your Affiliates?

Pictures, such as the Ezine Acts Pictures and the Ezine Acts Fine Arts Pictures also automate your content when you use them correct, pin them and reward, or encourage visitors to pin them.

The pinning process is a continuous automation, beyond theory, only when you keep pinning and embedding pinned pictures. It takes the net by storm these days.

However, the good part is that, you should write content that visitors like, so they could comment on it, like it, tweet it to Twitter and share it to keep the automation running off-site at many social media platforms.

The tools here that we call Content 2.0 provide you with content and automate it through the all in one place website building and optimizing tools here.

You can see the Content 2.0 and the quantity of comments the Ezine Act's Network receives through the Ezine Acts Comments, the Ezine Acts Love Commentaries, Online Love Consulting Services and the Second Section of the comments.

All of that has resulted in increasing time spent on site and clicks to many pages and of course built automated content.

You may probably know automated fresh content is vital to have more visitors and it is important to search engines’ spiders too when they come after new content. Therefore, these tips could help you build automated content, optimize a website and attract free website traffic.

Some affiliate/associate/referral programs can well build you content and automate it through their gadgets, videos, widgets, astores or stores (e.g.,,, and See How To Improve Keyword Density Using Your Affiliates?

In Blogger for example, Google provides good set of automated content. Such content of course does not work alone. You should provide some writings to use that content to automate your blog. But, Blog It is the best source to learn from it how to build original content, automate it and enjoy blogging for pleasure.

Some of those content providers need your input in this matter and you should build your content first to use them. It is obvious. Nevertheless, I am talking about how to get automated content to run on those pages you have already built when you ran out of content.

You can view some content on some pages in this website to get an idea of how to build automated features in this content if you feel yourself running out of content, automated or non-automated sometimes.

However, even when you ran out of content, only some 300-500 word count content is enough to bring in automated content from other partners, affiliate programs and web services, like social bookmarks and other groups' networks.

I have the pleasure to present some of them here to make additional collective income from such efforts. I am building in fact some content on daily bases sometimes and sharing many social networks and automated web services to attract more free websites traffic to the Ezine Act.

This could help you follow the same steps to automate your content especially through some RSS services, as you see below. They make the RSS blogging Ezine a pleasure.

Frankly, this page with those automated RSS syndication services and other offers below could build you automated content and good income too, if you give it time and passion to attract clicks to this or that kind of promotion.

To learn about RSS and use it build automated content, read the six articles in the Blogging for Pleasure site map 23. Here are 3 of them at Ping and RSS| Ping and RSS ItWhy Using a Newsreader|

You can even diversify this automated content by adding to it two-three of your best referral programs like what you see on this spot. See Affiliate Marketing Articles.

What could be easier than this to build automated content?

To support your content by additional automated content join Amazon and here. Then register at the following RSS service to add more automation to your small business.

That is all to build automated content.

In addition to build automated content, you may also be interested in the following business and search engines articles included on the Ezine Acts Articles (site map 9 A), Ezine Acts Website Maps (site map 10 A), Ezine Acts Biz Marketing (site map 15 A), Ezine Acts Business Publicity (site map 19), Ezine Acts Internet Marketing (site map 20) and Business Strategies Cat (site map 25):

Bilingual Websites| Communities Marketing| Editing and Publishing| Ezine Acts Link Building Strategies| Ezine Acts Optimization| Ezine Acts Publishing| Ezine Acts Traffic Converter| Free Press Releases| Free Publicity| Guaranteed 1000000 Hits to Your Website| How to Convert Traffic Into Sales?| How to Improve Your Website Presence?| Improve Your Website Presence| Information Publishing Articles| Internet Marketing Articles| Internet Marketing Strategy| Leads Generating| Marketing Strategies Comment| Marketing Strategies Comments| Search Engines Marketing| Search Engines Secrets| Search Engines Top Placement| Search Tutorial| Seven Shadow Strategies| Shadow Strategies| Website Services| Write Arabic WebPages| Write Compelling Advertisement|

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