The Ezine Acts Publishing isn't only a long article divided into some webpages with tips and techniques you need to publish a book. It has more to do with publishing audio-books, e-books, manuals, picture books, reports and a website about your book.
You may get your publishing efforts to include other genres of art and literature and the genres of genres in literature. For example, the fiction and nonfiction are the top genres of literature, but each of them has its own genres.
The ideas explained on the Ezine Acts Publishing are inclusive to get your book published and if required to build a website about your book and get it skinned in some ways on videos and some other applications to be available to people on smartphones, iPhones and other tablets.
The publishing itself is a process. But, this process actually starts by another process, which is writing. Writing also is preceded by another process through which you determine the topic of your book, which actually indicates the genre of its content. For example, assays, poetry, plays, short stories, novels.
So, the first thing to do through this is to define the category of your book. This would give you great insights on your audience and your targeted market. This is the first element in the process of the book publishing business.
After that, finding a printing broker, choosing the appropriate publishing company, writing a good proposal and submitting the book publishing package could be easy.
See the pictures on the Ezine Acts Publishing page and other pages to get the idea of writing a picture book, or publishing pictures within your webpage content. If you have a website, you can also get posters about your website's topic to make your site beautiful and get additional income too.
Sometimes, creative writers don't know at a glance from the start what they are writing until the writing process flows to make it easier for a writer (among those some) to identify the topic and its content and then continue further to focus on the frame of his writing, so as not to jot it up and down.
The writing should take its own flowing path on the direction after the first flows of ideas.
This situation the writer finds herself in is exclusive to poetry, as poetry indicates itself as verse from the start. For example, when I started the "A Stick" couplet, I knew from the first time I put my pen on the paper this is a poetry.
I knew also it is the shortest poem in the world, because the four lines has rushed into my mind and tongue at the same time, as if I was testing a French cafe ice-cream… and then I suddenly tested the metaphor and the metonymy.
Professional writers know their topics from the start. Some of them even get the headline while thinking about a specific topic before writing the subject of the article in his/her vision. Some can see the title of the book before writing it. However, after the completion of the writing process the headlines and the titles may change.
If you thought of publishing your book, ebook and audio-book you'll find the leads you need to do this job on the Ezine Acts Publishing page and other relevant pages to it connected as art, cultural, literary and technical guidance.
The page is about one topic, though. You'll also find the same leads to publish websites and audio and video products.
The publishing page on the Ezine Act's Network is only about getting your book, picture book, report or manual published, either by spending money on this process handing your book to a publisher agent, company, printing house, or by doing it free publishing yourself.
If the process of writing a book is difficult for you, the picture book is very easy. In fact, it is the starting point to experiment with publishing something.
All that you need is to shoot good pictures, or collect pictures about one topic to publish a picture book. See the Ezine Acts Pictures on this page and other relevant pages to get the feeling of one topic.
For example, you could group pictures by topics, such as "beautiful reflection on waters", "seldom duck pics", "animals kissing", "top world water-parks".
To see the popularity of the best pictures on the world, do a search by using the same phrase to gather ideas about the most wanted pictures. Then shoot, or collect them to make a collection.
Then add textual content describing the pictures, the places, or the moments and so on. Use attractive title for that topic. For example, you can title it "100 Beautiful Sights in Panama", or you could add any other places.
See the pictures on the Ezine Acts Publishing and other pages to get the idea of writing a picture book, or publishing pictures within your webpage content. Most importantly, you can get pictures to make the website beautiful and earn additional income too.
For cinema stars… to target fans, think of the most wanted pictures and the ways you could work on them in a creative way to publish a picture book about your stars, whether they are cinema stars, pop stars, or even modeling stars. Search by name here.
You could also publish a picture book about the best fav of anything, such as fruits, or auto, or music, or musical films. Again, see the top wanted fav from searches. Use Google, Bing, or use Yandex and Baidu searches.
The Ezine Acts Publishing has 3 leads to publish your book. This is not about the pictures book. The following tips on the Ezine Acts Publishing are about any other kinds of books.
The first lead is through a publishing agent. The second is through your own self publish book. The third is on a website you should build for your book and write the general information about the book and the general information about the subject, without having to give all of the fruits to readers.
Before trying to publish your book through an agent, know your publisher agent well. Make an A-list agent. Write a good book publishing proposal to ensure that it wouldn't be rejected.
Make some TV and other media deals. Then work to come with good printing and distribution deal with your favorite publisher through a contract. When you submit your book, or your picture book to a company, you have some options.
The publisher should print, distribute and advertise for the book and you get only a percentage of money for the sold copies you agree to receive from the publisher every time good quantity of the book are sold according to the contract.
If you chose to self-publish your book and paid upfront for printing, you should make the contract clear to agree to the distribution and to make sure that the publisher shouldn't print, or distribute other copies. The book ISBN is yours, so you own the copyrights and unless you agree on other treatments with the printing company, you get to market your book your own.
In other scenarios, you may get the ISBN of your book and use a publishing company online. But, you should also spend some money here to promote your book, or to get the best book cover designed.
When the company sells it, you receive royalty from the price you set-up for your book and the company gets a percentage of the sale, or just deducts the publishing expenses. See the right column for books I published this way.
I personally think this is smarter. It costs you nothing. It costs the company, as the company prints and ships your book. But, the company make some profits from this business after paying the expenses of printing, shipping and the tax.
One of the best publishing experiences available nowadays is publishing through the Kindle, whereby your book would be available on computers and iPhones. that means more distribution and more sold copies.
You will not need even to pay tax, unless you bought copies from your own book from the company and the company shipped them to your address. You may need to pay tax only if you are resident in another country.
I tried this once when I ordered copies of one of my books and paid tax for them. Even when one of my friends sent me some copies of my own book and the copies arrived through the airport cargo, one of the staff at the airport called me to pay for shipping, regardless to that my friend has already paid for shipping.
When I asked her whether I should pay for tax or not, she told me that I should take it from the airport to the tax office. So, I laughed insanely and told her to burn the small package of the books. She said, "No, we cannot do that. The only thing we could do is to send it back" and mentioned that they will get money from the shipping back.
When I tried with many companies where I reside to print one of my books I found that I will not get any money when I sell my book and I will be paying money for people to buy my book. There are some other examples explained further on the Ezine Acts Publishing.
The reflection of traditional houses in water could give you the idea of writing a picture book.
The basic idea at the Ezine Acts Publishing is that even with self-publishing you should consider taking great efforts to get your book the exposure it deserves free by using your own website, the social media, forums, offline advertising methods and even by using video presentations on video platforms.
Another idea is to write and publish an ebook with just interesting sketches from your book and offer it free, with enticing offers to get the complete version of the book.
If it is a poetry book, think of other methods to make it available for everyone, such as recording few verses and skinning them with images to make a video product of your book available on your favorite video platform, as you see through the Arabic Phoenix Poetry and the Arabic Poems.
After all the efforts you made writing your book, you need to know honest agents and compare between them to choose your agent. There are in fact many companies and printing houses that charge high prices to publish your book.
So it is necessary to make sure that the process serves you as an author and no one will sell many copies of your book, without having you to know about it.
If you searched using the search engines for agents to help you get your book published, you will find more than 808,000,000 in the result pages. It is very difficult to know the real and honest publisher, unless you get in direct contact with some of them in your area or have a friend recommending the best printing house to you.
There are of course some well known companies such as Pinguin, Amazon, Lulu, Barnes and Noble, Trafford and Xlibris. You may also know some other companies in your area.
If you trust those companies in your area go ahead, get an ISBN for you book, discuss your publishing project with them, get the contracts and always be sure that you have the complete rights to your book with its unique ISBN.
I wrote the article about publishing on the Ezine Acts Publishing above. Now, we have a part of an article to read through two links below, which falls in this direction (publishing) with some personal notes.
It is here with some useful information about this topic. However, the claims of huge profits may not be factual. I published the first part of it at self-publish book here and on a page at the political site, you can reach through the following link:
The publishing industry supplies the market with billions of books, pictures books, manuals, reports and electronic products (Digital and video products) ranging from APPs, CDs, DVDs, videos.
These video electronics, as products come in three known formats as Betamax by Sony, VHS by JVC and the NTSC named after the National Television Standards Committee and the late Real videos format developed by RealNetwork.
Yes, the last one is the company that provides you with your Real Player. But, there are many video coding that dominate the video industry nowadays. These formats include mpeg, flv, avi, mp4, swf, wmf, 3gp, etc... where YouTube becomes the first large company to dominate the video platforms online.
You can just do this job using the best formats mentioned here. Luckily, there are many software you could use to produce videos, as there are many video platforms where you can publish those videos, or even sell the best of them.
You can also do this job by building web pages on your own video website using some website services and work at home to make your life better.
However, to get the exposure of your videos, you should make some skins with summarized information, or presentation in videos to share on video platforms and the social media.
But, before this… you need to choose only one well-focused theme for your videos, as explained on the Ezine Acts Video, the Ezine Acts Video Games and the Ezine Acts Video Shows to target a specific market.
That means… well, consider the following Ezine Acts Publishing Tips seriously to study your theme and choose it according to values it has by doing a search for it and then study the findings to build your video narrow niches to succeed with your narrow theme.
Remember this… whenever you go narrower, you manage your production and you manage your target market and best of all you keep it focused on what you are doing and earn more money than you could get with other un-focused themes.
When you build you video production its website, your focused video theme gets you free website traffic and other partners in success to monetize your website at the same time.
The wisdom of focusing is feel-explained at the Ezine Acts Video, Ezine Acts Video Games, Ezine Acts Video Shows and other pages for digitals and video products.
The following indexed pages on the Ezine Acts Publishing provide more information about audio, videos and other digital products:
Audio Products| Ezine Acts Video Converter| File Converter Software| How to Produce Cable TV Spots?| Inventory Videotaping Business| Native Americans Videos| NTI Home Video| Red Indians Videos| Salsa Samba Dances| Special Event Videos| Video Talk| Videotape Rental Store| Videotaping Ideas| Videotaping Service| Videotaping Weddings| Weddings Photography| Windows Movie Maker|
To build web pages for your video theme focused website, you'll need a process that teaches you how to build it step by step following the CTPM Process, how to analyze it, how to optimize it, how to automate it, and how to get it updated at your website blog without lifting a finger to build automated content for you every time you build a page.
The easy building steps go through proven methods and techniques you'll learn easily at the same time you build. In fact, you should be concerned about this process following it from A to Z in a convenient platform designed for you to relax and learn.
The first thing here you should take care of is to be well motivated and active and open minded person to compose the process to work for you right.
You'll also need the same process to build your book website as explained above and at the Ezine Acts Business, Ezine Acts Home Business and the Ezine Acts Internet Marketing.
See my book at the right column and get one from there, or from If you wanted me to publish your book, use the form at the linked HOA PoliticalScene above and provide FULL INFORMATION about you, your book and your full contact information.
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