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Dec 09, 2009
It Is Better to Stop Deceiving Your Husband!
by: Admin

Wisely take steps to behave in good manners.

You have not mentioned how old are you and how old is the child. However, your story is interesting. It is full of pain and some unexpected events from your side, and from the first person you had an affair with him in the past.

It is unexpected from you and your boyfriend to be unserious in this matter. You have not spoken with him seriously about this situation to solve it with you and he has not got concerned to take any step to solve this problem.

However, I will begin with your last words. This is the point to step from the past because it was unpleasant.

You have some values in your hand. It is painful and decisive to live with a man without telling him the truth about the child before marriage. It is painful too to continue living in this situation with your husband, so what to do?

Your first lover has no reason to disappear. By doing that, he proves to be irresponsible. This is the first value in your past relation to consider and to take serious steps to ignore him and concentrate on how to deal and live in a climate of truth and honesty with your husband.

You cannot go this way deceiving your husband. Yes, it is painful to tell him the truth at this time. However, it is better for you and him before he knew it himself. The child will grow and he may know the truth later. Even if your husband or the child have not come to know the facts, it is no good to deceive two persons in your real life.

Come back to reality and face your problem bravely. Choose the suitable time to approach your husband and tell him the truth.

Chances are that, he will be nice, get angry at first and then forgive the past. He may also never forget and expel you out of his life. If that happens in any way, you will retain peace of mind and you will recover from being insincere. There will be a completely new life for you to gain clarity and peace of mind and never regret.

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Dec 10, 2009
Thank You
by: Anonymous

i appreciate so much your response to my story.. however i really don't have the guts to tell my husband the whole truth.. Iam and the kids are dependent on him. I told myself before nobody would know my secret even when i die I bury the secret with me. All I want is to get over my feelings with my ex-boyfriend and learn to love my present husband. How could i do that if Im still haunted with my past.. easy said than done =(

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Dec 10, 2009
No One is Without a Sin in Love!
by: Admin

Anna, think of it as I told you. By now, it is obvious that your boyfriend is ungenerous. He proved it through all his reactions. Therefore, a wise woman will never follow her weakness to continue falling in love with a man that does not deserve her love.

Think of that you have mentioned about keeping the secret until you leave this world. What would you do if your husband or your boy comes to know the truth?

Your position will be very difficult. Your conscience will even hurt you, as not all people we know bear to be sin. Since your husband treats you gently, this is a value. However, you can lose it. You do not want to tell the truth because you are afraid of losing the comfort of his home.

You weigh all of that only according to what you want, but not to what your son wants and what your husband wants. In another word, you should deal very well with those real two men in your life.

As I pointed in my first reply, those are the real diamonds you have in your life. Treat them well, do everything possible to make them happy. Time may come to tell them the truth and gain their forgiveness.

No one is without a sin this way or another, small or big, but good people recover from their sins by being well and dealing very good.

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