by Askit
Askit wrote from Ha Noi, Dac Lac, Vietnam in one long paragraph the following Love Problem, saying that her boyfriend doesn't know how to comfort her when she was sad:
"Well, my competition went bad. The result was not good. I texted my boyfriend right away to tell him that I felt bad. He didn't said anything that could comfort me, like for example, "Don't be sad, love you", "There will be more chances, don't worry, I'm by your side" etc…
He just said, "This is not the last chance, let see if there is any change in the result. Well, I don't know what to tell you either… Is it that he doesn't care about me and ignores what I said, or he just doesn't know how to comfort me? What I have to do then? Thank you so much!"
We sent you an email with some guidelines to submit good requests, as there are some words you have written in bad language in your Love Consulting Requests. We removed those words. We also provided in that message some steps to take explaining that there's nothing wrong with him while saying, "This is not the last chance, let's see if there is any change in the result". We haven't received a response since then.
* Are you from Ha Noi, Dac Lac, Vietnam?
Write about your favorite place in Ha Noi, or any other city in Vietnam and upload pictures from it at Any Beautiful City in the world.
Anonymous wrote from Tehran, Iran in one long paragraph the following request seeking Love Problem Solution:
"I'm 27 years old. I know a guy for 2 years as a co-worker. Since 6 months ago we started our friendship and it's about 2 months we are dating. I was always interested in him and wanted to be his friend. Every time I see him, he talks more about how much he likes me.
He wants us to be more intimate and get closer. I've never had a serious relationship before and only been friend with guys. When he calls me with sweet titles, I have nothing to say in return. He is a good guy and I really enjoy spending time with him.
The first time, he touched me, I felt nothing. I thought I might get better, but I still feel nothing, when he touches, or even kisses me. When he does so, I just wait till he finishes. It seems like an obligation to me and I kinda want to stop it.
On the other hand I don't want to hurt him. I've somehow told him about my feelings and he says time will help me. But, I'm afraid. Should I continue this relationship and let him push me while I'm worried about the future and really don't know if I like him or I've to end it in this early stage?"
We sent you an email saying that there's not any feeling of love here, based on the short request and we requested at the same time to answer some questions we asked in that email.
* Are you from Tehran, Iran?
Write about it and upload pictures from it at the given link above.
Michibub wrote from Carlingford, New South Wales, Australia about her love problem in one paragraph and just mixed it all up when she provided wrong information by writing her email address in the filed of her name in the form.
"I keep getting back together with my ex it's been going on for four years and we were best friends and went to primary school together we are now 20 and i get we are young but then fell in love and then the first time we broke up we let our friends get in the way but it just seems like such bad timing every-time we get together but I think I'm still in love with him and I don't think I ever fell out of love with him but his going war and I don't know what to do it's a point of don't my heart or my head but we do fight some times but at this point in my life I can't imagine my life without him :( Help please I need some advice."
We sent you an email explaining the problems in your request. You wrote your email instead of your name in the name field of the form. You also wrote your problem in one long sentence in one long paragraph, where there are no fullstops. How could we read such problem? There are clear guidelines to Submit Good Request.
Please, read the guidelines at the links above and at Full Information| Online Love Consulting| Online Love Consulting Services|
* Are you from Carlingford, New South Wales, Australia?
Write about it and upload pictures from it at Bay of Plenty| Franz Josef Glacier| Perth|
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