I need clarity to grow self ideal from within me. Well, you may need it as well, if you were not at that zone of clarity and ideal self yet. Clarity makes me love other people and makes me attractive to them.
From this angle people who know me see me ideally the right charismatic person. This is the way they see you too. So, when I say, "I" I refer to you as well, with goodwill. We are one! Aren't we?
Attraction has that secret to develop positive attitudes and set them free from that dark, tiny box inside some people. Ideal self also builds distinguished charismatic sense, which in turn, turns as a gear in the attraction's wheel.
I absolutely will become a wheel in my area of interest, which involves many people and I'll become that pleasant person in my lover's eyes;-) the way she loves.
Love by today's measures, has also its own secret wording (maybe like those words you are reading) that makes it reach its climax continuously and for as long as it lasts.
Any kind of knowledge in any field and any other interests with those concerned people in my area of influence will also be inspired to reach that climax too in whatever they do.
Any kind of knowledge, or field of expertise has its own climax. So, this climax is not always about sex. If you thought, this is inspirational talk, let me know through the comments form. I love to walk you around, dude.
Love, or business, or any field of expertise needs that special dialogue of knowledge and intelligence empowered by your "self ideal". I have many pleasures while seeding my thoughts this way into many bright letters in blogs and forums including business forums about this specific topic.
This act creates rich environment for my self ideal and that is what you'll be doing through the guest writer's article about this topic below to get all of these polite touches of self ideal.
I think Brian Tracy has to say more about it because he knows more about it than I do. Enjoy his article below and do not forget to leave us your comments through the Comment C2 Entries form on this page.
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By: Brian Tracy
Your self-concept is made up of three parts, each of which affects each of the others. Understanding these three parts enables you to put your hands on the keyboard of your own mental computer.
When you learn to take charge of the development of a new and positive self-concept of selling, you can then control your sales destiny for the rest of your career.
Determine Your Direction
The first part of the self-concept is the "self-ideal." Your self-ideal largely determines the direction in which you are going with your life. It guides the growth and evolution of your character and personality.
Your self ideal is a combination of all of the qualities and attributes of other people that you most admire. Your self-ideal is a description of the person you would very much like to be if you could embody the qualities that you most aspire to.
Strive Toward Excellence
Throughout your life, you have seen and read about the qualities of courage, confidence, compassion, love, fortitude, perseverance, patience, forgiveness and integrity.
Over time, these qualities have instilled in you an ideal to which you aspire. You might not always live up to the very best that you know, but you are constantly striving to be a better person in light of those qualities that you value so highly.
In fact, everything that you do on a day-to-day basis is affected by your comparing your activities with these ideal qualities and your striving to behave consistently with them.
Clarity is Essential
Successful salespeople have very clear ideals for themselves and their careers. Unsuccessful salespeople have fuzzy ideals. Successful salespeople are very clear about being excellent in every part of their work and their personal lives.
Unsuccessful salespeople don't give the subject very much thought. One of the primary characteristics of successful men and women in every walk of life is that they have very clearly defined ideals and they are very aware of whether or not their current behaviours are consistent with their idealized behaviours.
Set Challenging Goals
Part of your ideals are your goals. As you set higher and more challenging goals, your self-ideal improves and crystallizes. When you set goals for the kind of person you want to be and the kind of life you want to live, your self-ideal rises and becomes a greater guiding and motivating force in your life.
Your Future is Unlimited
Perhaps the most important thing for you to realize is that whatever anyone else has done or become, you can do or become as well.
Improvements in your self-ideal begin in your imagination, and in your imagination, there are no limits except the ones that you accept.
Asking yourself these questions and then living your life consistent with the answers is the first step to creating yourself in your ideal image.
Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action.
First, dream big dreams. Set big, exciting, challenging goals and ideals for yourself in every part of your life. Allow yourself to imagine a wonderful life ahead.
Second, think about how you would act if you were an outstanding person in every way. Then, practice being this person, as though you were acting a role in a play. You will immediately notice a difference in your behaviour.
The Science of Self-Confidence Training Kit
Brian Tracy has combined all of the information you will need to accomplish anything you set your mind to, including of course fostering self ideal. In his exclusive training kit, you will learn a number of practical action steps you can take to build immediate feelings of self-confidence.
More from Brian Tracy's Mind:
Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less TimeWho's Brian Tracy?
Do you know who Brian Tracy is?
If you knew, write a brief bio of Brian Tracy in the form below. Hey, you can write about those people you know by this name too, since there are many people by this name. Provide full names, professional career insights and work experiences.
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