How Do Referrals Work?

Google's Referrals work better with keyword-focused content. See how you can get good earnings from such project.

First of all, this is an old archived page on the Ezine Act's Network I published almost 7, 8 years ago and then reedited the opening paragraphs on it to refer to other pages where you could get some good partners in success and affiliates, such as the Ezine Acts Affiliate programs.

I cannot delete it, although Google has stopped its leads referring program, because it is linked in many websites and deleting it would affect the linking of this website.

So, I have actually written the following article twice starting from the first day Google announced this program and then I got back to it when Google determined to close this program.

It seems that there is no reason for it by now. However, who knows, it may help with the new Google's acquired program.

Read the development of this program on the first section of the page and read about the project at the second section, if you wanted to know something about it.

Google Retires the Referrals!

Google prepares to retire the this program starting from the last week of August 2008.

In the move to retire this project, which was added to the AdSense, Google has acquired the DoubleClick Performics Affiliate operations in March 2008 to enhance Google AdSense and Google AdWords performing units.

Together, with the acquired Performics Affiliate operations Google intends to create new opportunities for monetization, expansion, and innovations in affiliate marketing.

According to this move towards affiliate marketing, the primary search engine company announced the intention to close the referrals program twice this year.

The first time Google announced this attempt a while back ago, the company received many requests to refrain and sustain the program instead. Thus, Google refrained.

However, Google decided again to take this step after having them acquired the DoubleClick Performics Affiliate Network to operate it as the Google Affiliate Network for advertisers targeting users located in the United States.

Google says, as this program is similar to the AdSense Referrals program, the Google Affiliate Network enables publishers to apply for advertiser programs and be paid based onadvertiser-defined actions instead of clicks or impressions.

It is now possible for publishers, who have AdSense for content ads, if they have less than three AdSense for content ad units on a page, to replace the referral ad units with standard AFC ad units, or follow the new move and participate in the Google Affiliate Network.

If publishers currently use referral ads, either to promote Google products or offerings from AdWords advertisers, AdSense Referrals code will no longer display ads beginning the last week of August.

Publishers should run and save all the reports on their Desktop to have access to their valuable campaign information. They should also remove the project ad units from their websites.

Google clarifies that they are constantly looking for ways to improve AdSense by developing and supporting features, which drive the best monetization results for publishers.

"Sometimes, this requires retiring existing features so we can focus our efforts on the ones that will be most effective in the long term." the company said.

The Google Affiliate Network connects advertisers and publishers to increase sales and drive traffic and leads through affiliate marketing.

Google Affiliate Network offers industry-leading advertiser and publisher service, network quality standard, reliable conversion tracking, detailed reporting, automated payments, simple link and creative delivery tools, flexible commissions and access to top brands on the Web.

The very important question to ask by then will be about, whether that program is more profitable to publishers than the retired referrals program or not.

For more information on many things Google does, see Adsense Colours, Adsense Revenue, Adsense Revenues, Arabic Adwords and Bad Arabic Ads.

Fore the complete free advertising pages on the Ezine Acts Business Publicity (site map 19), see the following:

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Is Google's Referrals Program Better for You than Other Affiliates?

This question is really getting important for both those publishers who are not making good income from their affiliate programs, and those publishers who are not making good earnings from Google AdSense program.

Google has implemented new referrals project to help referral programs perform well.

The primary search engine has come with a solution to low earnings from its AdSense through the new project. The company has raised the referral's earnings through the new project!

The new Google Referral's project allows publishers to choose specific and relevant products to their keyword-focused content. However, this feature does not work with stuffed keywords to trick AdSense performance. This feature allows publisher to match AdSense Referrals to their content.

I think this new referral's project will solve the problem of the irrelevant ads performance on publishers' websites. It works better to release publishers from the headache of using "section targeting" every time and then.

Publishers can choose AdSense revenue from the project to add up to 15 products to rotate in the project unit. In addition, this feature enables publisher to choose categories and keywords to ensure they get newer ads.

Google has optimized its new Referrals project for the new referral programs in the future too. This means by only implementing the categorized listing of the sub-category, the project unit will even pull the new product to be added in the future to the same unit that performs in the publisher website.

Publishers need only to customize their units using sub-categories and adsense colours. They need after that to get the HOTMAIL codes for any specific sub-category and place it where it is proper on their websites.

Then the same unit will pull in all new added products in the future too, without having them to get back to their accounts to get new codes.

To do this, publishers may need to create Notepad or any text document to classify those units in their sub-categories, localities, languages and Adsense.

Publishers can even select and choose their referral value.

Now when you get into your account and click on the project links you will see all products in categories. If you click on the plus sign beside the category, you will get a picture of all its suppliers and even demands.

You will see at the same time high referrals and low ones, so you can choose the better project for your keyword-focused content to get good revenues from it.

I think Google has read what the publishers' needs very well. I am watching almost all the AdSense help groups, and I know many publishers out there are not pleased of what they are actually earning from AdSense.

Using the Google new referral feature, you can choose products' location and products' language too. Therefore, publishers have chances away to improve AdSense language performance.

For example, publishers can choose a Sweden product but in English language not Svensk. However, the Sweden product works sufficient with Swedish. Publishers can choose international products, which come in different languages other than English and then make them perform in English.

There are so many benefits, when publishers get through different experiments, with different languages, to see how those products from other localities perform in their areas. Publishers may need here only to make sure of the products' delivery.

Therefore, I think this new Google project is quite fair to help publishers earn more. At least publishers can have a chance to work with a well-trusted company than to search for affiliate programs that do not pay.

In addition to referrals, you may also be interested in the articles on the Ezine Acts Home Business (site map 1 A), the Ezine Acts Internet Marketing (site map 20) and the Ezine Acts Articles (site map 9 A), with its extension into Ezine Acts Articles Section (site map 9 B), Ezine Act Articles Index (site map 9 C), Ezine Articles (site map 9 D), Submit Articles (site map 9 E) and Submit Ezine Articles (site map 9 F):

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