Complicated Love Relations!
by Neha
Loren Tate (Brittany Underwood), Her Mom Nora Tate (Jama Williamson) and Melissa Sanders (Ashley Holliday) at Breakfast in Swapped Pictures Between the Scenes of Hollywood Heights.
Melissa Sanders (Ashley Holliday) When She Spent the Night with Loren Tate (Brittany Underwood) and Told Her about The Family Secret She Has Discovered.
Melissa Sanders (Ashley Holliday) While Taking Her Breakfast with Loren Tate (Brittany Underwood) at Nora Tate's Home.
Loren Tate (Brittany Underwood), Her Mom Nora Tate (Jama Williamson) and Melissa Sanders (Ashley Holliday) While She was about to Get Home.
Neha wrote from India in one long paragraph, I divided here, "Okay, I was in the 6th grade when I first saw this guy. He was the sports captain in my school, then. He looked okay, but there was something that I saw in him".
"I kept thinking about him throughout the day. I did not know him. He was in the 11th grade. A couple of months from then, I started talking to him online, first on Facebook and then on Yahoo".
"Then a day came when I met him in school. I was afraid to talk to him, but my friends called his name out and left me alone with him, when he came. That was the first time he saw me".
"We became really close in one year or two. He began to call me his sister and I enjoyed being his sister. I never told him about my secret crush on him. Then, once he came to my place and met my best friend and fell in love with her".
"They dated for a month and broke off. I did not like to watch'em together but I kept quiet, as I love both of them and wanted them to be happy. Then, in a couple of months, he started liking me and asked me out and we dated for 3 months, roughly".
But, we had a really bad fight and we have not talked since then. He passed out of the school and got into the university. I'm in the 10th grade now".
"I've had a boyfriend after this, but I still find myself buried in his memories and thoughts. He has a girlfriend now and he told me not to text him, as he does not like it".
"What can I do? I don't think I like him, but still... I think about him and the time we spent together. I guess I want him back as friend. That seems impossible. Please help me out!"
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Firdous wrote briefly in two lines from Jammu and Kashmir. He asked, "Will taking anti-depressants help me get over this girl and finally do things with my life? I feel like I can't get over her, I think deep down I don't WANt to get over her".
* Continue at the first link above.
* Are you from Jammu and Kashmir?
Write about your city, or any city in Jammu and Kashmir at any beautiful city link above.
Somebody wrote from Nagpur, Maharashtra, India in short request, "A boy proposed me. I like him. He loves me, but the problem is that he is one year younger than me. What should I do? Should I say yes, or what?"
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* Are you from Nagpur (Nagpore), Maharashtra, India?
Write about any city in India at any beautiful city link above.
Cherry wrote from Delhi in one brief paragraph, I divided here, "I am 23 years old. I am in love relationship with a guy since 5 years. We'll get married soon. My problem is that he does not spend good time with me".
"I just think he does not spend the time I need to be in his company. I discovered that he is short tempered, because he gets irritated with me on very small and stupid things. The romantic moments I needed is totally out of our life".
"I just want to revive that romance and charm, which was there during the first 2 years.
Please help me."
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* Are you from India?
Write about any city in India at any beautiful city link above.
Someone wrote in one short paragraph, I divided here, "I am in a relationship for about 3 months. I really like him, but now he wants to have sexual relationships. I don't feel ready yet".
"I have anther friend. I find him really sweet to me and all that kind of stuff. Sometimes, it seems that my boyfriend is distance from me and my friend is always there for me".
"Now, I am confused. I am talking all the time with my friend. He makes me laugh and all that. I replay the messages my friend sends to me quicker than the messages I receive from my boyfriend".
"But I don't see myself in love relationship with my friend. Should I break up with my boyfriend to try to start something with my friend?"
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Complicated Love Relations.
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