Confusing Love!
by James
Love in Hollywood Heights - Nora Tate (Jama Williamson) and Max Duran (Carlos Ponce) Chatting.
Phil Sanders (Robert Adamson) Speaking with His Love Adriana Masters (Haley King) about Abortion in Hollywood Heights.
Phil Sanders (Robert Adamson) and his Love Adriana Masters (Haley King) Listening While He Suggested to have Abortion at his Flat in Hollywood Heights.
Hank Moody (David Duchovny) and His ex-Wife Kern (Natascha McElhone) Discussing His Love Affairs with Teens in Their Daughter's Age.
James wrote from Nairobi, Kenya, "I need advice on what to do,I started making moves to this girl back in 2007 but didn't tell her I was in love,after a short while we were separated by distance but she searched for me on Facebook and we connected".
He said, "I told her my feelings for her and she pointed having same feeling but seemed not to want to show,we met again last year and spent some time together,but I have realized she is a woman who always involve in many relationships,when I check her Facebook post I find different men posting to her calling her darling,sweetheart and she responds back to them positively".
He continued, "I tell her of my thought of wanting to give up on her and she tells me she will never break my heart,am confused because I still love her and when she is around me she seems very happy but then I see her other different side.I would also like to point that all this time to this date we have never had sex".
Ending his request, he added, "I turned to ask for assistance on what I should do,I have thought of removing her from my Facebook and letting go and forget but I feel I cannot bare the thought she will be with another man,it kills me,so please I need your advice on what I should do,I will highly appreciate your assistance. Thank you".
* You wrote your request as required in paragraphs. But, it is very important to add spaces after commas and fullstops between the sententences. You also wrote your first name and your city in full capital letters. We reedited them.

* In addition, you have not provided good information, as we require. Did you read the guidelines at the main pages at Online Love Consulting, Online Love Consulting Services and Love Consulting Requests?
* We need more details, as we explained at the links above. Did you mention that you love her? What did she say? Have you discussed with her the sentimental expressions her friends use while chatting with her? Is she real? Is this person really a girl? Did you talk to her?
* You have not provided any information to know whether there is something special between you both, or not. There is something very important here to know about the social media services you are using. See other pages about the social media on this network.
* Are you from Nairobi, Kenya?
Read about places and people in Kenya and some countries around at Kalahari Desert, Kilimanjaro and Serengeti. Write about any place in Kenya at Any Any Beautiful City.
Somebody wrote from Lucknow the following in one long paragraph:
He said, "I want to marry whom I love unconditionally". He continued in one long paragraph, I divided here, "I am in love with a guy from past 3.5 years.
We love a lot each other and have a good understanding as well,but the misery is that our family members are totally disagree with our marriage.
In his family no single member is ready for this marriage and the most dis-hopeful part is that he is not ready to go against his family members. In my family there's a lot much pressure from my parents side to marry as soon as possible as I am turning into late 20's.
Due to pressure from both families, our relationship is suffering a lot. Sometimes it leds to quarrels and shouting. It hurts a lot to me as I am a working lady who is living apart from my parents and find myself very lonely.
He finds very little time to talk with me and we meet very occasionally. I want to end up these circumstances as I want to come at a end point, but his initiative and effort is very less.
May be because he is living with his family and has a lot much dedication towards themselves. But how should I live ? We started our journey with lots of commitments which seems to disappear at the passage of time.
I know I will have to quit from my life if I will not be able to marry him because i cant imagine my life without him.I dont know if I am wrong, but I am loosing my patience and hope because I am not able to see any prompt action or step from his side.Now my question is -
1) How should I restore my love from being ruin ?
2) How can I convince him to go against the decision of his family?
Thanks a lot in advance.Please help me through proper guidance"
Comments* You did not read the guidelines to provide the required information and to submit a request in good details, as we mentioned at the main consulting links at the top of the first comments above. Avoid spelling mistakes when you write and read
Love Problem and
Love Problem Solution for more information.
* Follow the same guidelines to submit good request. Hit one spaces after full stops between sentences and commas in the same sentences. This is obvious. See examples in the comments here.
* Are you from Lucknow?
Write about Lucknow the capital city of the Uttar Pradesh in India at the any beautiful city link above. Read about places in India, such as
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Am I Doing Anything Wrong?|
Childish Love Experience|
Does She Still Love Him|
How I Feel the Strong Feeling of Love?|
How to Choose the Right Girl|
How to Make Him Feel?|
How To Tell My Mom about My Love|
I am Jealous|
I am Not Sure Whether He Loves Me or Not|
I Love My Classmate|
I Love Two Girls|
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I Want My ex-Boyfriend Back|
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My Parents Want to Destroy My Girlfriend|
Parents Problems|
Personal Relations' Problems|
She Left Me|
She Refuses to Talk with Me|
Should I Try to Keep this Guy or Push him Away|
Uncrushed Love|