Jyllands Postens Cartoons!

Jyllands Postens Cartoons and other similar cartoons offense religious beliefs! They preach the laws and rules of of what humans belief.

We Need Tolerance, Credibility and Transparency!

We need them to respect other people's beliefs and live in peace.

JP's Cartoons and Freedom of Speech!

The cartoons of Prophet Muhammad published by the Danish newspaper "Jyllands Posten" and caused many political and economical problems are examples cultural literacy.

The interesting question is how a newspaper such as Jyllands Postens didn't know at the time that they are about to create a problem and widen the social gap between Danish and new Danish.

Another question is about the way the chief editor in the newspaper understands and handles the freedom of speech provided by law.

Some people are speaking here and there about the freedom of speech in the lights of the hatred those cartoons have caused and how they changed the atmosphere of pacifism in Denmark and other places and raised the differences between the residents in these societies.

Jyllands Postens Cartoons and the Freedom of Speech!

I don't think that there's any connection between the cartoons and the freedom of speech.


Because any cartoon has only one phase to criticize things. It holds a point of view that's not discussable. Its technique has only one message to impose that point of view.

The end point for the recipient is to accept it or refuse it.

In our case, Jyllands Posten's Cartoons here is against religious beliefs and that's the crisis of it.

As a journalist with more than 30 years in press and in defending the freedom of speech, I am obliged to say all religious beliefs should be respected. That doesn’t necessarily mean untouchable.

If we're discussing those beliefs on articles, reportages or interviews that's something else. This is simply because anyone with a reversal opinion to that kind of topic can write or speak about it. We'll be dealing by words here.

But have you ever heard about replying to an antagonized cartoon by another cartoon?

The press should lead and sophisticate the people, instead of building hatred like what JP did. This is its utmost morality.

Now, in the same area as a response to those cartoons, a newspaper published some cartoons about the Queen of Denmark. I think there's no logic on them too. No rationality!

I think that "journalism" as a (noble) profession should not open the door to humiliation and hatred.

If any journalist has an open vision to the International cultures, s/he will consider those cultural backgrounds on the Globe from the Middle East to the Eskimo and from Australia to Siberia, as cultural background.

S/he will never make a cartoon of a profit with a bomb, neither Muhammad, nor Jesus, or Moses.


That's simply because those prophets although they were human beings, but they were and still respected and followed worldwide.

I wonder if we do honour some people in high ranks or hierarchical systems why not honour a prophet!

I don't think that Jyllands Postens Cartoons have a logical point of view in the common sense. In stead, it has damaged human, political and economical results.

One of the most significant infringements even to the Danish principles about the pacifism between man beliefs is that, Jyllands Postens Cartoons respect neither the Muslims' beliefs overseas nor those beliefs of the Muslims who are living in Denmark.

It does not even respect the Danish "Grand Law".

The question now is that, has that journalist seen the impact of his work before hand or not?

Journalism has a predictable message too! Well, I should say any journalist should have the extra sense, we call the "sixth sense" to this profession.

Unfortunately, some media sources in our World today employ even university-graduated journalists without a global vision. They even treat journalism as such, a job like the other jobs.

That's hurtful!

Regarding the attitude of the Danish PM's refusal when he was requested to meet the Arabic Ambassadors, after the crises of "Jyllands Postens Cartoons", I think that his refusal has fueled the crises of the cartoon.

At that stage the PM had an open chance to cool down the problem. But he came lately to say on the BBC and the CNN that the "debates are better to solve the problem" although he shared the responsibility of creating it.

He created a diplomatic problem and then asked for debates. In a rational political world where the citizens are well educated and oriented politically that little vision of his job as a PM could force him to resign.

I wonder about the credibility and transparency of both the journalist who draw the Jyllands Postens Cartoons and the Prime Minister's.

Read more about the Art of Prime Ministering here.

In the Sense of Reality, Responsibility and Awareness:

If there's any political and logical sense to investigate and judge the causes and impacts of that crisis facing Denmark, the PM should resign, and the Danish people should call for that peacefully and hold him accountable for the damages.

More Political Insights:

I know, I am very tough at such points especially when it comes to any people's beliefs and I cannot accept things as they're.

Jyllands Postens Cartoons and any attempt of anyone to draw such cartoons impose literacy and hatred created of such literacy is uncontrollable. The change peaceful societies and destroy the integrity of those societies.

Why should I do that since I have a brain in my head?

What that brain is created for?

I have always been that rational who accepts or refuses things according to their logical approach to the facts and principles of living, of leadership, of caring about the mental development of other people and so forth...

It's not good for anyone to be fossil. So, this is why teachers and journalists are the most intellectuals with great responsibilities to take care of… to fuel and drive the future.

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