by Andy
(Riga, Latvia)
Bollywood Movies: Welcome, Love and Music.
Andy wrote from Riga, Latvia in one long paragraph, I divided here the following love problem:
"So let's start with that in my country it's not really illegal to date under age partner, as long as it is more or less reasonable. I live in a very small city and I study in a big city. Me and my friends are pretty much party animals and we are not really used to be thinking about a single girl more than one night.
This girl is living in a small neighboring village. I have known this girl for about four years, but back then I was partnering with her older brother and she was like a little sister to me also. So, like about weeks ago she and her friend started visiting some of my friends in my small city for partnering purposes and I started noticing her.
We spent all three last weekends partnering together, and we have got chances to be alone. She told me that she really likes me and she knows I like her too. She hasn't told me that but I know she also thinks we couldn't be "officially" together because of age difference.
She actually had a 20 year old boyfriend for like a year and that relation ended a while ago because he went to live in a different country. Well, there are tons of other things I should tell you but I don't think I'm supposed to put that much text here.
So, the thing is... I have spent this week alone thinking about her and I cant really think about anything else. I know I will meet her this weekend at a ball in my city. What should I do? Should I ask her to be my girlfriend? Maybe, I should just leave her alone! Maybe I need to let things happen and just wait!"
The reason your love problem remained here since last November is that you haven't followed the guidelines to write your request properly, write it in short sentences and short paragraphs, provide full information and check grammar and spelling mistakes before you submit it.
Full information means also you should include your location at the field in the form under your name. That means, to tell us where are you from. Locations help us know some cultural values, as names do, so we could see the problem better.
The guidelines show you how to write good love consulting requests and how to submit good request to help us understand it, instead of reediting it and trying to fill the missed lines for you. This way, we could provide you by the required love problem solution.
The guidelines are also very clear on the main love consulting pages at Online Love Consulting and Online Love Consulting Services.
However, if it's not forbidden in your country and you can get engaged with minors, that should not be the reason to continue such affairs. She's just a child. Friendship is OK, but physical relation is absolutely wrong.
You should take it ethically and consult your conscience and as you expressed in your first lines you are so aware about this human issue, so you should follow your ethics to avoid such relation.
Advise her wisely to do so to overcome mistakes in this age and to engage in her education, or other important things she does. It is the age of fire.
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