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Apr 22, 2015
Will He Marry Me - 2!
by: Khalid

During that he again came with a problem. He said that if I marry you or continue loving you I will loose my mom at that time only I came to know that his mom is a heart patient. I tried a lot to convince him but he is very stubborn and he said not to message or call him for any reason.

He simply ended everything in a single sentence "please do not disturb me". I know how much he loves his mom and how much he loves me. But I also understood that he can also leave me for his mom and his family. After that he did not reply for my messages. I could not forget him and his memories.

Within a month i got a good job and posted in banglore. If we were in contact I would have not been to banglore for working and he would have not allowed to go out of station. I felt the life is very bad and depressed. I got a feel that here after I should live only for me and for my family alone not for others.

So I went to banglore. I felt very angry and sad because of his absence. I just sent him a message that I got job in banglore and I'm leaving Chennai tomorrow. I used to send him so many messages regarding my salary, my feeling , good night and other wishes.

Though I hate him the love made me to send messages even if I did not get any reply from him. Something made me to feel like he is still loving me and he is thinking about me for every second like me. Already I was living alone and his absence made me to feel like living in a dark room. Everyday night I used to wet my pillows due to love.

After one month I got transferred to chennai. i could not forget him. I send him so many messages but I did not get any reply. After 3 weeks he messaged me. I replied for his messages. Chatting and messaging got continued. But we both are very much afraid of our parents.

He understood my pain which I had due to his absence. After that one day we went to a temple and park. We shared our love each other. He got a job. Due to some problem in astrology my parents were planning to postponed my marriage for 2 years. This made us happy and he asked me not to contact him for 2 years.

I did not contact him. My parents were ready to arrange my marriage within a year. I became quite bold to explain our love matter to my parents and I doesn't want him to disturb him now. I thought to contact him once they go for booking alliance request n matrimony.

After 6 months I got a call from him. He said that he is going to do higher studies which will take 2 years complete. I got shocked. I do not know what to reply him. I explained him how much I love him. first I told him to go ahead with your higher studies and I wished him. He said thanks.

He said that we will be good friends here after. After that I cannot reply for his messages. After 3 days I asked him the reason he did not get a proper job and since he is a civil engineer he need to roam in sunlight and now he is staying away from his parents. He is not getting proper food because of all these he became lean and dark. So to get office kind of job he is planning to do higher studies now.

In this case i cannot tell him not to do higher studies. I really does not want to spoil his future. He said he do not have any other option than dropping our love. He told so many times I love you and he expected me to say to him but I couldn't. I felt like cheated but I also should think from his position.

He asked whether I can I wait for another 2 years and he asked me not to revel our matter to anyone till he completes his studies. I told him I can wait for you until I die. Again he said, "No, You marry some one else .Please do not trust me my mind will keep on changing". Its shows he loves me truly.

I know that he will treat me as a queen if I marry him. I really do not know what to reply for him. He said he started drinking and smoking because of this. I told him to go ahead with his studies and I will some how manage to postponed my marriage for 2 years.

I stopped replying for his messages. Postponing my marriage for 2 years it is very tedious. Already I'm 22 now currently I'm doing msc 1st year in distance mode. I cannot start my higher studies now. I cannot open our love matter to my parents before he completes his studies. I do not want to miss him. But now he is not replying for my messages. I think still we have a very true love.

What will resolve our problem?
How we can join hands?
Can I trust him?
Is he loving me truly?

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Apr 22, 2015
Clarify Your Mind!
by: Admin

You make it very difficult when you wrote your problem in one very long paragraph and there you have many mistakes including full stops in the wrong places throughout the copy, starting first words on sentences and some pronounces with small letters and some other sings that we couldn't read.

It seems that you have written it on a Microsoft Word document and copied and pasted it on the form, which makes all of the signs to appear on your request and rom the first look it looks not encouraging at all to look at it.

At the time we sent you an email to correct this and write your request properly following the guidelines on the main Love Consulting Services at Full Information, Online Love Consulting, Online Love Consulting Services and Submit Good Request.

Since I haven't received any response, I presumed that you are either not serious, or interested in this services. Maybe there are many things that happen. I don't know.

I spent time to remove the signs, reedit some lines, break the request into paragraphs and I left some of your sentences as they are. The whole of the request seems confusing, as you have not written it in order.

You have some confusing issues in your request. For example, you said, "He asked whether I can I wait for another 2 years and he asked me not to revel our matter to anyone till he completes his studies. I told him I can wait for you until I die. Again he said, "No, you marry someone else .Please do not trust me my mind will keep on changing". Its shows he loves me truly".

Then you continued with the same confusing issues in the following two paragraphs:

"After one month I got transferred to chennai. i could not forget him. I send him so many messages but I did not get any reply. After 3 weeks he messaged me. I replied for his messages. Chatting and messaging got continued. But we both are very much afraid of our parents."

"He understood my pain which I had due to his absence. After that one day we went to a temple and park. We shared our love each other. He got a job. Due to some problem in astrology my parents were planning to postponed my marriage for 2 years. This made us happy and he asked me not to contact him for 2 years."

You should clarify your mind and be organized well to write your request in order.

Ask him for explanation. If he loves you really and don't want you to wait for him until he completes his high studies, you can assure him that wouldn't be a problem. This is of course if you truly love him. He will accept that if he loves you really. Sometimes, we imagine love and sometimes we complicate it, although it is very clear.

You have more challenges rather than this matter in your society. If you are getting closer after good discussion about your future, you should make sure that you are both strong enough.

Try to find a solid ground where you both could stand strong to fight for each other. Good understanding to each other is very important to decide what you want to do with your life. Other customs and traditions nowadays can't prevent lovers in your positions (economically independent) from making the right decisions.

* You are at Will He Marry Me Comments.

* Read the first part of the problem at Will He Marry Me?

* Are you from Chennai, Tamil Nadu?

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The gifts are useful to help you discover your hobby, knowledge, passion, any of your personal experiences and any of the things that interest you to build it a successful business on solid grounds, even if you are a student.


Then you'll earn additional income to continue with a solid business, when you graduate. You'll never need to work for a company or somebody else.

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Emotional Problems| Emotional Problems Comments| How to Know the Truth?| How to Know the Truth Comments| Incomplete Love Requests| In Love With My Ex| In Love With My Ex Comments| Sentimental Problems| Too Young for Love| Too Young for Love Comments|

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