Dance Schools!

Bo Loft Jensen is one of the professional dancers in one of the Danish TV2's series Vild med dans, which means "getting wild to dance".

However, translating some Danish words to other languages does not reflect the correct meaning, the way they meant in Danish.

Bo has established with his wife Helle the "Loft Jensens Dans program" under the slogan of "Dans for Alle". The program is seasonal since the start last year. The season this year has started on September.

Helle has started this profession as a hobby since she was 8 years old and she began in "Irma & Arne Ringgaards dans skole" in Åbyhøj. She participated in tournament dances with two different partners through ten years of her experiences there.

In 1979, Bo and Helle formed a partnership and they became Danish champions in the Disco dance in the same year. After two years, they won their first Danish championship in Latin American's dance together.

They travelled to England the same year to study dancing as a high profession and to get the best opportunities to perform top dances as partners.

They won Danish championship in sport-dance many times. They became professional dancers in 1989. Since that date, they travelled around the world to dance and get more experiences.

In addition to this, they taught students how to perform the Standard and Latin American dances.

Bo participated in the TV-program Vild med dans in 2005 and he was partner in the program with singer Brithe Kjær. You can use the search tool at the right column to search for Bo Loft Jensens' dans school.

The seasonal dans skole has gone wild to teach folk how to do it in Denmark. The couple of directors have been motivated and inspired by the TV2 popular program "Vild med dans"!

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