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Nov 21, 2014
The Course of the SBI E-Learning!
by: Khalid

Well, to know the course of the SBI E-Learning more, you are required to get an open mind-set to venture into what makes, or breaks any only business.

You'll come to know the exact terms successful businesses use to prosper online through your own observation. The first thing to do is this: Use any business term in 2, 3, 4 words to search for it. At the first 5 pages included on the search result, read the headlines and the descriptions.

Take notes of the term you entered into your search box to know how those terms are represented there. Are the search terms all in place? For example, let's assume that you have entered "bill cosby". This is one of the most terms used on searches, according to New York Times to examine the popular search trends.

However, Google AdWords Keyword Planner has more insights. So, when using the two words in your search term for something about Bill Cosby, examine how the two words appear and with which terms. Is shows included? Is series included? Is there any valuable one-word search term included to Bill Cosby?

Take this as an example to other search terms you may enter in the search box of any search engine. See how the titles and the descriptions are written. You'll learn from this many things. One of the good things you'll learn from such observation is the following:

you'll learn how people use those search terms to cover what they meant, or what they have for you to learn from, or what information they provide to make things easier for you, or what services they offer according to the search terms that could make your life better, or what products they offer to facilitate doing things for you.

You'll learn also from these simple terms how each of the terms used on searches make money for the providers of the relevant services, or products that cover the given search terms. They don't cover it on the summarized descriptions on the result pages, of course. But, they do that at their websites, when you colic on the titles on the search result pages to read more.

But, think of this:

  1. What makes you click to read more?
  2. What does your click mean to those websites?
  3. What does your click mean to search engines?
  4. How your clicks could service these website effectively?
  5. How your click could affect these website?
  6. When does your click effect these websites?
  7. When does your click affect these websites?
  8. How these websites make money from your clicks?

The answers to the eight questions help you learn more about using specific search terms to write articles to explain the relevant topics more on your website, so you could make money from it based on the values of your search terms.

But, how to determine the values of each of your search terms?
How to use the best search terms relevant to your business to improve your website?

The methods to learn from should be included in a business manual. The manual should in turn be included in all-in-one-place tools to help your brain brainstorm and construct the values on pages and optimize those pages to appear at the top of the search result pages.

Why, because most of the people who visit websites, do that from the search engines. That means the search engines are the first source of traffic to your website. This learning has its own capacity only through the tools you should think to use.

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Then, you'll find that hobby generating income for you when you graduate, so you could continue with it to improve your life.


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