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Apr 19, 2013
You Cannot Get Him Back Until You Listen to Him!
by: Admin

Sheela, what would happen if you wrote on the date at your first line, "October" instead of "Oct"?

The time you take to write perfect consulting request, would save us time to reedit it. You also wrote some long paragraphs. If we are going to do this job with every request we receive here daily (and we really receive so many requests), then we'll be running in the same circle to no end. Help us help you by taking care of your requests, visitors, please.

You have not explained some of your words about this relation, which make me confused. You said, "He even thought that I am a prostitute". Did he say that? Such phrases need more explanation. This is why we said at the guidelines that you should write even the small details and that means more details to read the problem better.

You mentioned also that he said, "We can't marry because we are not compatible". At this point, it seems that there are not much common things to make you compatible. But, then you mentioned that you are trying to make him realize that we still love each other and can stay together forever.

I could understand why he did not want to listen, because that is not the way to make your love compatible. There are so many things to make that happen. Look for common interests you share together, or at least his interests and then try to find if they are OK with you to share them. Let him also see your interests.

It is difficult to keep on loving somebody, because one of you just want the other to listen to him, or her. Even your social relations are important to know where they tend to go, as you have rights to know where his own social relations go.

There is nothing bad in social relations. Your friends could be even his friends. But, if you were engaged in intimate sentimental relations with any of them, then you will lose him. It is not a matter of control, though. You decide the way you keep such relations sincere and pure.

You may need to listen to him and then know what he feels and discuss such things with him. Ask him of everything you want to know to make sure that he understands you. Then understand what he wants and looks for. Misunderstanding kills your love.

We still need more details to read this problem better.

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Apr 19, 2013
Provide Good Details!
by: Admin

To somebody who wrote about "unseen love":

There are so many problems in your request. First, you have not filled your name and your location (country) in the two fields of the form. Second, you have not followed the guidelines we published on the main pages at Online Love Consulting, Online Love Consulting Services and Love Consulting Requests. Therefore, we have neglected your request.

We mentioned that we'll never provide any consulting, if you decided to write the way you want and neglected the guidelines. Your request has remained here for a long time for these reasons we mentioned above. You can still use the main page to re-submit good requests, paying attention to the guidelines.

Read the guidelines and follow them, as you do with your assignments at school. Write good English. Enter spaces after full stops and question marks between your sentences and after commas in the sentences. Write the first letters of your name, your city and country in capital letters.

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Apr 23, 2013
He Does Not Talk to Me!
by: Sheela

I am sorry. I have taken lot of your precious time by writing so long. I will take care of this in future.

He does not want me to do anything for him. If I tried to make him happy by doing something he likes, he would ask me not to do that, because he has come out of relationship and lost hope of getting into it again.

I have stopped talking to him now for the last 20-25 days. Meanwhile he tried to speak to me but I did not reply. Now he has also stopped talking to me. I still want him to come back. Please help what should I do now?

May 01, 2013
Writing So Long is Not a Problem!
by: Admin

Thanks for the update, Sheela.

Writing so long is not a problem at all. It is the best thing to do to explain your problem better.

The difference between "she" and "he" and some other sentences in the request make this confusion. This is probably, because we tend to write in a hurry and don't check.

Reactions like these make your love relation very difficult. You should not react that way on what he behaves. He shouldn't also react the way he did. You should have asked him before you reacted.

His attempt to speak to you was very good, but you turned him down, reacting the same way he did before. If you were sincere enough, then you may think of ways to sit together to discuses your problems openly.

Ask him, "What has happened between us?" Ask him about what he wanted to speak about in his last attempt. Hear him. Then you will find some points to discuss with him.

When you talk together, keep connecting and try during a good period to know what he looks for in his wife in the future. You may discover things you may not commit to.

If he didn't want to talk and discuss anything, then you should continue your last attitude. Compatible love is not rare. It does not live with contradictions and enticing reactions.

This is his point. Take it to make sense of it. Think of computability regarding his ideas, the way he thinks, the way he behaves, the way he interacts with others, and such among many things he does.

Show him yours too. Similar interests make you close to each other. If at any point thought that he has a dominant mentality, take a step back.

You own your heart. It doesn't own you. The person you see now may not be the right person, if he continues his acts.

If he after contacting him appears to be rational to discuss things and "put the dots where the words need them", then you could manage to put your love relation on the right path.

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