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Aug 25, 2011
Ask him of the Reasons Politely!
by: Admin

It is impossible to give you any solution to your love problem since you have not explained the nature of these problems that make him angry.

There are many questions here to answer in details, so I could understand the problem better.

You have not mentioned any thing that caused his anger in the past. You have not said what kinds of things that make him angry until now. Any anger has a reason. If you did not know, ask him politely.

How old is he? You mentioned your age, but not his age. Are you students? Have you done anything that made him angry? What kind of mistakes you made in the past? You have not mentioned those mistakes. Why you made these mistakes? How did he react to these mistakes?

Problems in the past could remain in his subconscious and disturb him in the future. It is not necessary when you resolved those problems that everything would be OK.

You need to ask him politely when he gets angry is it because of something wrong, you have done or what. Discuss with him rationally that it is necessary for every person to control his anger and never allow pad temper to create bad notions.

It is possible in his age that he feels high self-glorifying and acquires some kind of behaviours that he thinks would make him important or strong.

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