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Aug 25, 2011
Maintain Your Love by Caring of Her Kids!
by: Admin

This woman loves her kids very much. She may decide to stay with that friend, because her kids like him.

It seems that you have not spent time with her kids to gain their love and she wanted to bring your attention to this matter.

Her first words about that friend were very clear to bring your attention to this matter. As it seems from your points, you have not taken that chance to build good relations with her kids. Then she came again to tell you that she might choose that person.

Nothing left for you here other than to begin with her kids. However, this is a sensitive matter, so do not exploit it for only the sake of winning her at your side.

If I were in your shoes, I would begin with her kids to maintain trust, good willingness and responsibility towards other people belonging to her. Be also creative to tie her by your love, reminding her of good times you both spent together.

That is very important even in any marriage attempt with a mom of some kids. If the nearest way to reach a man's heart is through his stomach, then the easiest way to reach a mom's heart is through her kids.

Try that and I wish you good luck.

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